Everything You Need to Know About Healthy Dog Skin and Coat
Everything You Need to Know About Healthy Dog Skin and Coat

Everything You Need to Know About Healthy Dog Skin and Coat

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Some of the best indicators of your dog's health are its skin and coat conditions. A healthy dog coat should be shiny and smooth, not rough or brittle. When it comes to healthy skin, your dog's skin should be soft and smooth, not greasy or flaky. Good nutrition is one of the main factors in maintaining your dog’s health in terms of a luscious coat and soft skin. Apart from that, your dog’s coat and skin can also be taken care of through regular grooming and skincare routines that will help keep its hair free of tangles and its skin free of any irritation.


If you think that achieving healthy skin and healthy coat in dogs is difficult, it’s time for you to learn more about dog health and grooming. Let’s explore more about how you can achieve a healthy dog coat and skin for your floof. 


How do nutrients help my dog’s skin and coat health?

The first thing that any pet parent thinks of when it comes to maintaining their dog’s skin and coat health is grooming. While grooming plays a significant role in making sure that your dog has a shiny coat and soft skin, health plays a bigger part in ensuring your floof’s appearance.


If you have been grooming your dog well and are still wondering why its coat and skin are not appearing the way they should, chances are that there is an internal issue. A shiny coat and supple skin on the outside start with a healthy dog on the inside. If your dog has flaky, bumpy, dull, or dry skin/coat, it could be an indicator that something is wrong. The first thing you need to do is book an appointment with your vet and cross out any underlying issues.


The skin is the largest organ of any animal's body. For dogs, most of their skin is covered with hair that sheds regularly or is constantly growing, in non-shedding breeds. Just like how we require a balanced diet full of high-quality digest table food types to keep our skin and hair in a healthy state, dogs also need to maintain their diet and make sure that their body is receiving the right amount of calories each day to maintain energy levels. If a dog is not eating well or is eating poor-quality food, its body will take longer to eliminate the waste products and cause the kidneys and liver to work twice as hard.


That being said, good nutrition is key to a healthy dog coat and skin. A dog that meets its dietary needs every day will boast soft, supple skin, and luscious, glowing hair. 


Tips to help maintain healthy dog skin and coat

Many pet parents struggle with maintaining their dog's skin and find it to be one of the most difficult tasks. In reality, achieving goals as such is fairly easy, provided you feed your dog the right nutrients and make sure that its diet meets its bodily requirements. Here are a few things you can do to maintain a healthy dog coat and skin: 


  • Balanced diet

Your dog needs to maintain a complete and balanced diet to achieve healthy skin and a glossy coat. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins need to be fed to your dog in balanced ratios. It is very important for dogs to meet their daily calorie intake so that they have enough energy to facilitate new hair growth and skin cell turnover. If your dog's diet is not easily digestible or contains poor-quality ingredients, it may not be able to create enough energy through its diet. Make sure that everything you feed your dog contains high-quality ingredients and does not pose a risk to your dog's health.

  • Supplements

There are so many supplements available in the market today. While you may get confused between jars and bags of supplements promoted for healthy coat growth in dogs, the majority of these products contain a source of omega-3 fatty acids combined with a range of other ingredients. Omega-3 fatty acids have scientifically proven to be one of the most beneficial supplements that you can give your dog for a glossy coat and smooth skin. Omega-3 fatty acids are not just effective anti-inflammatory agents but are also capable of bulking up your dog’s skin’s natural fatty acid barrier to add that extra shine. 

  • Bath time routine

Bathing your dog is extremely important as it will remove any dust, debris, dirt, and odour from its skin and coat. If there are any allergens on your dog's skin, a good bath is the solution to this irritating problem. Generally, dogs should be bathed every 2 to 4 weeks depending on their breed's needs. If your vet has advised a different routine, make sure you follow that. It is best not to bathe your dog too much because that can result in flaky skin and can dry out your dog's coat. If your dog has any allergies or does not react well to a dog shampoo or soap, consult your vet and find the right products for your floof.

  • Allergies and parasite prevention

Dogs that suffer from allergies experience inflammation in their skin that can cause redness and itchiness. This makes them itch and scratch which ruptures their skin barrier, allowing other infections to enter your floof’s body. Unfortunately, allergies cannot be cured and can only be treated. For this reason, it’s important to know how to manage your dog's allergies by consulting a wet.


Fleas and ticks are the most common parasite irritants that will affect your dog's skin at some point in its life. These parasites can cause intense scratching, chewing, and biting of the skin. These acts of self-inflicted trauma can lead to tears in the skin barrier, leaving your dog with crusty, irritable, and red skin. Additionally, some fleas and ticks carry illnesses that can be fatal. It is best to keep your dogs protected against these parasites all around by consulting a vet and doing the needful.

  • Overall health

Maintaining overall health for your dog to achieve a shiny coat and soft skin is extremely important. Make sure your dog is being fed a balanced diet and the right nutrients. it is also important for your dog to have a good exercise routine so that it is just not lazing around the house. A dog that is well rested, well fed, and receiving the right nutrients is set to flaunt healthy dog skin and coat. 


It is imperative that pet parents keep good food for dog skin in mind and also administer nutrients that aid in a shiny, glossy coat. Now that you know what you need to do as a responsible pet parent, you are all set to give your floof its best life.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What are the signs of a healthy coat on a dog?
  2. A healthy dog coat is shiny, luscious, and soft. If your dog has a rough coat with coarse hair, it is time to adapt a routine to change the condition of your floof’s coat. 

  3. What are the signs of healthy skin in dogs? 
  4. Healthy dog skin is soft and supple, free of any irritation. If your dog has irritated, red, bumpy, or flaky skin, it is time to see a vet and figure out the best plan of action. 

  5. What vitamin is good for dog skin and fur?
  6. Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, vitamin C, Biotin, and omega-3 fatty acids aid in healthy dog skin and fur. 

  • Can Dogs Eat Human Foods? Knowing What's Safe and Harmful
    Can Dogs Eat Human Foods? Knowing What's Safe and Harmful
    Can Dogs Eat Human Foods? Knowing What's Safe and Harmful

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    We often find ourselves wanting to share our meals with our furry companions. While it's natural to want to share every aspect of our lives with them, should we really include dogs in our gastronomic adventures? Let’s find out!

    Can dogs eat human foods?

    The answer is both yes and no. While dogs are omnivores and can eat a variety of foods, their digestive systems differ significantly from ours. This means that some human foods that are perfectly safe for us can actually be harmful or even toxic to our canine companions.

    Human foods: What can dogs eat

    Here are some safe and healthy human foods dogs can eat:

    • Carrots: Crunchy and delicious, carrots are excellent for dental health and packed with essential nutrients like beta-carotene and vitamin A.
    • Salmon: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon promotes healthy skin and coat, and is a good source of protein. Remember to cook it without harmful seasonings or oils.
    • Blueberries: These tiny berries are bursting with antioxidants and fiber, making them a healthy and delicious treat for your dog.
    • Eggs: Scrambled or hard-boiled, cooked eggs are a safe and nutritious protein source for dogs.
    • Peanut butter: Unsweetened and unsalted peanut butter is a tasty and healthy source of fat for your dog. You can even use it to fill puzzle toys for extra mental stimulation.

    Human foods: What can dogs not eat

    Beware of these common human foods that are toxic to dogs:

    • Chocolate: Contains theobromine, a stimulant that can cause heart problems, vomiting, seizures, and even death in dogs.
    • Grapes and raisins: These pose a risk of kidney failure in dogs, even in small quantities.
    • Onions and garlic: Toxic even in small quantities, these can cause anemia and damage red blood cells in dogs.
    • Avocado: The flesh and pit of avocados contain persin, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and pancreatitis in dogs.
    • Macadamia nuts: These nuts can cause weakness, tremors, hyperthermia, and even death in dogs.

    Additional tips:

    • Always introduce new foods slowly to avoid digestive upset.
    • Moderation is key. Even safe foods should be given in moderation to avoid weight gain and other health problems.
    • Consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about specific foods or your dog's health.

    Choosing the right food for your dog

    While it's certainly tempting to share our meals with our beloved furry companions, it's crucial to remember that their dietary needs are distinct from ours. Human foods, even those seemingly harmless, can be detrimental to a dog's health.

    Why? Unlike human food, dog food is specially formulated to meet their specific nutritional requirements. It's a carefully balanced diet packed with proteins, essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients vital for their overall well-being.

    Why specialised dog food matters

    • Balanced nutrition: Dog food is carefully formulated to provide all the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your dog needs for optimal growth and development. It ensures they receive the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber, promoting a healthy immune system, strong bones and muscles, and a shiny coat.
    • Digestive health: Human food can be difficult for dogs to digest, leading to gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. Dog food is designed to be easily digestible by their sensitive systems, promoting optimal nutrient absorption and gut health.
    • Specific needs: Different breeds and life stages have varying nutritional requirements. Puppies need additional energy and nutrients for growth, while older dogs may require a diet lower in calories and fat. Specialised dog food caters to these specific needs, ensuring your furry friend receives the right nutrition for their age and breed.

    For instance, IAMS dog food is crafted with your dog's health in mind. It provides a range of benefits such as:

    • Strong and healthy bones and muscles: IAMS dog food is rich in protein, which is crucial for supporting healthy growth and development.
    • Shiny coat and healthy skin: The food contains essential fatty acids that contribute to a radiant coat and healthy skin.
    • Enhanced immunity: IAMS provides vital nutrients that help boost your dog's immune system, protecting them from illnesses.
    • Improved digestive health: The food contains prebiotics and probiotics that promote healthy digestion and gut health.

    Our ultimate goal is to take the best care of our dogs. This means feeding them with nutrient-rich foods that cater to their specific dietary needs. By choosing the right food, like IAMS products, you ensure that your dog stays healthy, energetic, and happy.